
Executive Functions in Higher Cognitive Processes:
Behavioral and Neural Correlates

開催日: 平成15(2003)年3月10日-12日
場  所: 芝蘭会館2階研修室
京都市左京区吉田牛の宮11-1(電話 075-771-0958)
ワークショップ・プログラム  (アブストラクトはこちらです)

March 10
13:45-14:00 Introduction
14:00-15:00 Akira Miyake, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
Unity and Diversity of Executive Functions: Individual Differences in Inhibition and Interference Control
15:15-16:15 Michael J. Kane, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA
Exploring executive control by exploiting individual differences in working-memory capacity
16:30-17:30 Mariko Osaka, Osaka University of Foreign Studies, Japan
Neural basis of individual differences in the executive function: An fMRI study
18:00- Reception

March 11
9:30-10:30 Robert H. Logie, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Dual task co-ordination as an executive function: Evidence from Alzheimer's disease, healthy ageing, and fMRI investigations
10:45-11:45 Motoichiro Kato, Keio University, Japan
The role of dorsolateral, orbital and medial frontal lobes in executive functions: A neuropsychological study
11:50-13-20 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Mark D'Esposito, University of California Berkeley, USA
Towards understanding the role of prefrontal cortex in executive control: Evidence from functional MRI
14:45-15:45 Masataka Watanabe, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Neuroscience, Japan
Integration of cognitive and motivational operations for goal-directed behavior in the lateral prefrontal cortex
16:00-17:00 Shoji Tanaka, Sophia University, Japan
Computational study of the circuit mechanisms for spatial working memory processing

March 12
9:30-12:00 Discussions on executive functions in higher cognitive processes

苧阪 直行 (京都大学文学研究科,京都大学心理学連合)
船橋新太郎 (京都大学人間・環境学研究科,京都大学心理学連合)
齊藤 智  (京都大学教育学研究科,京都大学心理学連合)


連絡先:京都大学教育学研究科・教育認知心理学講座・事務担当 高畑
