Emmanuel Manalo先生の集中講義およびワークショップ


(1) 10:30-12:00  [19日のみ10:00-12:00]
(2) 13:00-14:30
(3) 15:00-16:30


May 15, Workshop 1:  Some components of good writing in the Englishlanguage.  The sessions will cover (1) papagraphing, (2) active and passive voice, and (3) the use of articles.  Participants will be given exercises to work on during the workshop.

May 17, Workshop 2:  Oral presentation skills.  This session will deal with strategies for preparing papers for presentation at seminars or conferences. Participants will be asked to work in groups to prepare and make a short presentation to the class - in English.  Participants should attend the whole day if possible, as the sessions are linked to each other.

May 22, Workshop 3:  Writing research articles in English.  These sessionswill focus on the process of writing up a research article in the English language - with a possible view to submitting it for publication consideration.  The blocks will cover (1) structuring a research article,(2) the literature review, and (3) managing a research project. Participants must bring: (a) reports or notes relating to a research projectthey have completed, or currently working on [this can be in the Japanese language], and (b) a copy of a recently published research article from a psychology journal [in the English language].

May 19, Lectures in Psychology 1:  The sessions will cover (1) how memory works and its associated problems, (2) mnemonics and other strategies for improving memory, (3) the psychological meaning of fairy tales.

May 20, Lectures in Psychology 2:  The sessions will cover (1) dyslexia and models of the reading process, (2) dyscalculia [mathematics LD] and other specific learning disabilities, (3) psychological explanations of mental and spiritual possession.

May 21, Lectures in Psychology 3:  The sessions will cover (1) a review of selected research in academic skills development instruction, (2) the functions of university learning centres in western countries, (3) rational [non-psychic] explanations of psychic phenomena.