第42回 京都国際心理学セミナー

≪21世紀COE研究 拠点形成プログラム「心の働きの総合的研究教育拠点」第6回講演会≫


(文学研究科 苧阪直行  教育学研究科 斉藤智)

 日時 2003年3月15日 (土) 午前10:30〜11:30

場所 文学部新館 2階 第3講義室

題目 Impairments of visuo-spatial working memory in representational neglect

Professor Robert H. Logie

(Department of Psychology, University of Aberdeen)

要約 Unilateral spatial neglect refers to a disorder, following brain damage, in which the patient fails to report details from one side of a viewed or mentally imaged scene. Both forms of the disorder are generally thought to reflect an impairment in directing attention to the neglected side. Also, perceptual and representational neglect are assumed to be symptoms of a similar cognitive disorder resulting from damage to overlapping structures or networks in the brain. Recent studies of patients with representational neglect have indicated a clear dissociation between disorders of visual perception and disorders of visuo-spatial mental representation in working memory (Beschin et al, 1997). Such patients show representational neglect for mental representations derived from auditory verbal descriptions of novel object layouts (Denis et al, 2002), as well as from visually presented arrays and from visuo-spatial information in LTM. This evidence points to a less close association between perception and visuo-spatial working memory than widely assumed hitherto. As well as describing this evidence, this talk will report data from representational neglect patients who were asked to view, or to listen to the description of a simple, novel object array. Then, from memory, the patients were to recall the objects and their location either from the presented perspective, or from the imagined opposite perspective to that viewed or described. Results indicated that patients with representational neglect can form (impaired) mental images based on auditory verbal descriptions of novel layouts, and can undertake mental transformations on those representations despite their deficits in imagery. However their ability to do so is affected by which side of the representation is used for their report. Results suggest that an impairment of temporary visuo-spatial storage might offer a better account of representational neglect than does an impairment of attention. Results also reinforce the conclusion that visuo-spatial working memory and visual perception reflect quite distinct components of cognition.

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