[レビュー] 一人称視点カメラからみる、乳児の視覚経験


近年、head-mounted cameraやhead-mounted eye-trackerを乳児に装着し、乳児の一人称視点での視覚経験を記述する研究が増えてきている。一人称視点カメラは、日常生活での様々な状況・インタラクション場面における、乳児の視線配布を検討することを可能にし、これまで、乳児の視覚経験と運動発達・言語発達との関連を扱った研究が行われてきた。


Franchak, J. M., & Adolph, K. E. (2010). Visually guided navigation: Head-mounted eye-tracking of natural locomotion in children and adults. Vision research, 50(24), 2766.

Franchak, J. M., Kretch, K. S., Soska, K. C., & Adolph, K. E. (2011). Head‐Mounted Eye Tracking: A New Method to Describe Infant Looking. Child development, 82(6), 1738-1750.

Kretch, K. S., & Adolph, K. E. (2014). Active vision in passive locomotion: real‐world free viewing in infants and adults. Developmental science.

Kretch, K. S., Franchak, J. M., & Adolph, K. E. (2013). Crawling and walking infants see the world differently. Child development.

Smith, L. B., Yu, C., & Pereira, A. F. (2011). Not your mother's view: The dynamics of toddler visual experience. Developmental science, 14(1), 9-17.

Yoshida, H., & Smith, L. B. (2008). What's in view for toddlers? Using a head camera to study visual experience. Infancy, 13(3), 229-248.

Yu, C., & Smith, L. B. (2012). Embodied attention and word learning by toddlers. Cognition, 125(2), 244-262.

Yu, C., & Smith, L. B. (2013). Joint attention without gaze following: Human infants and their parents coordinate visual attention to objects through eye-hand coordination. PloS one, 8(11), e79659.