Publication List (English)

Book chapters

Influence of visual motion on object localisation in perception and action, pp. 207-218. in N. Osaka, I. Rentschler, & I. Biederman (eds) Object recognition, attention, and action. Springer, Tokyo, 2007.

Journal Articles


Fujimoto, K. & Ashida, H. Different Head-sway Responses to Optic Flow in Sitting and Standing with a Head-mounted Display. Under Review.

Fujimoto, K. & Ashida, H. Roles of the retinotopic and gravitational frames on vection. Under Review.

Chen, C-C., Ashida, H., Yang, X., Chen, P-Y. Seeing global motion in a random dot image sequence. i-Perception, in press.


Fujimoto, K. & Ashida, H. (2019) Larger head displacement to optic flow presented in the lower visual field. i-Perception, 10(6), 1-17. [10.1177/2041669519886903] Published Online: 22 Nov 2019.

Uesaki, M., Ashida, H., Kitaoka, A., Pasqualotto, A. (2019). Cross-modal size-contrast illusion: Acoustic increases in intensity and bandwidth modulate haptic representation of object size. Scientific Reports, 9, 14440. Published online: 08 Oct 2019. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-50912-8

Yamasaki, D. & Ashida, H. (2019). Size-distance scaling with absolute and relative auditory distance information. Multisensoy Research,[DOI 10.1163/22134808-20191467], Advanced Online Publication: 25 Sep 2019.

Rogers, B., Anstis, S., Ashida, H., Kitaoka, A. (2019). Reversed phi and the “phenomenal phenomena” revisited. i-Perception, 10(4), first published online: July 26, 2019; Issue published: July 1, 2019 [DOI 10.1177/2041669519856906]

Pasqualotto, A., Uesaki, M., & Ashida, H. (2019). Vertical spatial representation of numbers across two cultures. Psihologija OnLine-First 2019 1-11. [DOI]

Honma, C. T., & Ashida, H. (2019) Temporal cognition can affect spatial cognition more than vice versa: the effect of task-related stimulus saliency. Multisensory Research, 32(1),25-44. [DOI] (Publication Date: 01 Jan 2019)


Lin, Y-Y., & Ashida, H. (2018). Effects of detailed diagrams on comprehension monitoring accuracy. Vision, 30(4), 139-157. [DOI] (2018/10/25)

Sicorello, M., Stevanov, J., Ashida, H., & Hecht, H. (2018). Effect of gaze on personal space: a Japanese–German cross-cultural study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology ?1– 14. doi: 10.1177/0022022118798513 (First Published September 7, 2018)

Yamasaki, D., Miyoshi, K., Altmann, C. F., & Ashida, H. (2018). Front-presented looming sound selectively alters the perceived size of a visual looming object. Perception, 47(7), 751-771. doi: 10.1177/0301006618777708 (first published online May 21, 2018; Issue published: July 1, 2018)

Miyoshi, K., & Ashida, H. (2018). Systematic Spatial Patterns of the Sense of Familiarity: Hierarchical Modelling based on Eye-tracking Experiments. Quartery Journal of Experimental Psychology, Online First (May 24). doi:10.1177/1747021818781709 (first published online: June 20, 2018; Issue published: April 1, 2019)


Ueda R, Yanagisawa K, Ashida H, Abe N. (2017). Implicit attitudes and executive control interact to regulate interest in extra-pair relationships. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 17 (6), 1210-1220. DOI: (2017/10/16)

Uesaki, M., Takemura, H., & Ashida, H. (2018). Computational neuroanatomy of human stratum proprium of interparietal sulcus. Brain Structure and Function, 223(1), 489-507. (Sept 4, 2017 Online First) pp.1-19. doi:10.1007/s00429-017-1492-1 (2017/9/4)

Yoneda, M., Ueda, R., Ashida, H., & Abe, N. (2017). Automatic honesty forgoing reward acquisition and punishment avoidance: an fMRI investigation. Neuroreport, 28(14), 879-883. DOI: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000000848 (2017/9/27)

Lin, Y-Y., Holmqvist, K., Miyoshim K., & Ashida, H. (2017). Effects of detailed illustrations on science learning: an eye-tracking study. Instructional Science (2017). (2017/6/19)

Ashida, H., Ho, A., Kitaoka, A., Anstis, S. (2017). The “Spinner” Illusion: More Dots, More Speed? i-Perception, 8:3 DOI: (2017/5/7)


Miyoshi, K. & Ashida, H. (2016). Attentional cueing induces false memory. Conscious and Cognition, 43, 66-74. DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2016.05.006 (2016/5/30)

Ueda, R., Kuraguchi, K., & Ashida, H. (2016). Asymmetric effect of expression intensity on evaluations of facial attractiveness. SAGE Open, 6 (4), DOI:10.1177/2158244016677569 (2016/11/1)

Ueda, R. Ashida, H., Yanagisawa, K., & Abe, N. (2016). The neural basis of individual differences in mate poaching. Social Neuroscience, Published online: 10 May 2016, DOI: 10.1080/17470919.2016.1182065. (2016/5/10)


Miyoshi, K., Kimura, Y., & Ashida, H. (2015). Longer prime presentation decreases picture–word cross-domain priming. Front. Psychol. 6:1040. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01040

Honma, T. C., Ashida, H. (2015). What makes space-time interactions in human vision asymmetrical? Front. Psychol. 6:756. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00756 (08 June, 2015)

Uesaki, M., Ashida, H. (2015). Optic-flow selective cortical sensory regions associated with self-reported states of vection. Front. Psychol., 6:775. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00775 (08 June 2015)

Kuraguchi, K., & Ashida, H. (2015). Beauty and cuteness in peripheral vision. Front. Psychol. 6:566. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00566 (05 May 2015)

Kuraguchi, K., Taniguchi, K., & Ashida, H. (2015). The impact of baby schema on perceived attractiveness, beauty, and cuteness in female adults. SpringerPlus, 4:164 doi:10.1186/s40064-015-0940-8

Miyoshi, K., Minamoto, T., & Ashida, H. (2014) Relationships between priming and subsequent recognition memory. SpringerPlus, 3:546, 2014. DOI:10.1186/2193-1801-3-546

Matsuyoshi D, Kuraguchi K, Tanaka , Uchida S, Ashida, H, and Watanabe K (2014). Individual differences in autistic traits predict the perception of direct gaze for males, but not for females. Molecular Autism, 5:12 doi:10.1186/2040-2392-5-12.

Miyoshi, K. & Ashida, H. (2014) Priming and implicit recognition depend on similar temporal changes in perceptual representations. Acta Psychologica, 148, 6-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2013.12.012

Ashida H, Scott-Samuel N E (2014) Motion influences the perception of background lightness. i-Perception 5(1) 41–49

Ashida, H., Kuraguchi. K., & Miyoshi, K. (2013). Helmholtz illusion makes you look fit only when you are already fit, but not for everyone. i-Perception 4(5) 347–351.

Stevanov, J., Spehar, B., Ashida, H., & Kitaoka, A. (2012). Anomalous motion illusion contributes to visual preference. Front. Psychology 3:528. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00528

Takemura, H., Ashida, H., Amano, K., Kitaoka, A., & Murakami, I. (2012). Neural correlates of induced motion perception in the human brain. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(41), 14344-14354. [doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0570-12.2012] (open access)

Ashida, H., Kuriki, I., Murakami, I., Hisakata, R., & Kitaoka, A. (2012). Direction-specific fMRI adaptation reveals the visual cortical network underlying the “Rotating Snakes” illusion. NeuroImage, 61(4), 1143-1152. (2012/7/16) [doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.03.033]

Lingnau, A., Ashida, H., Wall, M., & Smith, A. T. (2009) Speed encoding in human visual cortex revealed by fMRI adaptation. Journal of Vision, 9(13):3, 1-14. [doi:10.1167/9.13.3]

Kuriki, I., Ashida, H., Murakami, I., Kitaoka, A. (2008). Functional brain imaging of the Rotating Snakes illusion by fMRI. Journal of Vision, 8 (10):16, 1-10. [DOI 10.1167/8.10.16]

Grove, P., Ashida, H., Kaneko H., Ono, H. (2008). Interocular transfer of a rotational motion aftereffect as a function of eccentricity. Perception, 37 (8), 1152-1159. [DOI 10.1068/p5771]

Wall, M. B., Lingnau, A., Ashida, H., Smith, A. T. (2008) Selective visual responses to expansion and rotation in the human MT complex revealed by fMRI adaptation. European Journal of Neuroscience. 27(10), 2747-2757. [DOI 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2008.06249.x]

Ashida, H., Yamagishi, N., & Anderson, S. J. (2007). The relative contributions of colour and luminance signals towards the visuomotor localisation of targets in human peripheral vision. Experimental Brain Research, 183, 425-434. [DOI 10.1007/s00221-007-1059-0].

Kitaoka, A. Ashida, H. (2007). A variant of the anomalous motion illusion based upon contrast and visual latency. Perception, 36, 1019-1035. [DOI 10.1068/p5362]

Ashida, H., Lingnau, A., Wall, M. B., & Smith, A. T. (2007). fMRI adaptation reveals separate mechanisms for first-order and second-order motion. Journal of Neurophysiology, 97(2),1319-25. (Epub 2006 Oct 25)@[DOI 10.1152/jn.00723.2006] [Pubmed] [PDF]

Liu, J., Ashida, H., Smith, A. T., & Wandell, B. (2006). Assessment of stimulus induced changes in human V1 visual field maps. Journal of Neurophysiology, 96(6), 3398-3408. [DOI 10.1152/jn.00556.2006][Pubmed][PDF]

Murakami, I., Kitaoka, A., & Ashida, H. (2006). A positive correlation between fixation instability and the strength of illusory motion in a static display. Vision Research, 46(15), 2421-2431. [doi]

Ashida, H., Kitaoka, A., & Sakurai, K. (2005). A new variant of the Ouchi illusion reveals Fourier-component-based processing. Perception, 34, 381-390. [doi]

Verstraten, F. A. J., Ashida, H. (2005). Attention-based motion perception and motion adaptation: what does attention contribute? Vision Research, 45,1313-1319. [Pubmed][doi]

Ashida, H. (2004). Action-specific extrapolation of target motion in human visual system. Neuropsychologia, 42, 1515-1524. [Pubmed][doi]

Ashida, H. (2002) Spatial frequency tuning of the Ouchi illusion and its dependence on stimulus size. Vision Research, 42, 1413-1420. [SummaryPlus][Pubmed]

Ashida, H., Seiffert, A. E., & Osaka, N. (2001). Inefficient visual search for second-order motion. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 18, 2255-2266. [abstract]

Yamagishi, N., Anderson, S. J., & Ashida, H. (2001). Evidence for a dissociation between perceptual and visuomotor systems in humans. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B, 268, 973-977. [abstract]

Nishida, S., & Ashida, H. (2001). A motion aftereffect seen more strongly by the non-adapted eye: evidence of multi-stage adaptation in visual motion processing. Vision Research, 41, 561-570.[abstract]

Culham, J. C., Verstraten, F. A. J, Ashida, H., & Cavanagh, P. (2000). Independent Aftereffects of Attention and Motion. Neuron, 28, 607-615. [abstract]

Nishida, S., & Ashida, H. (2000). A hierarchical structure of motion system revealed by interocular transfer of flicker motion aftereffects. Vision Research, 40, 265-278. [abstract]

Ashida, H. & Susami, K. (1997). Linear motion aftereffect induced by pure relative motion. Perception, 26, 7-16. [abstract]

Mareschal, I., Ashida H., Bex, P.J., Nishida S. & Verstraten, F.A.J., (1997). Linking lower and higher levels of visual motion processing?. Vision Research, 37, 1755-1759. [abstract]

Nishida, S., Ashida, H. & Sato, T. (1997). Contrast dependencies of two types of motion aftereffects. Vision Resarch, 37, 553-563. [abstract]

Ashida, H., Susami, K. & Osaka, N. (1996). Re-evaluation of local adaptation for motion aftereffect. Perception, 25, 1065-1072.

Ashida, H. & Osaka, N. (1995). Motion aftereffect with flickering test stimuli depends on adapting velocity. Vision Research, 35, 1825-1833.

Ashida, H. & Osaka, N. (1994). Difference of spatial frequency selectivity between static and flicker motion aftereffects. Perception, 23, 1313-1320.

Nishida, S., Ashida, H. & Sato, T. (1994). Complete interocular transfer of motion aftereffect with flickering test. Vision Resarch, 34, 2707-2716.

Invited Talks

Ashida, H. (2016). Human brain network for visual motion processing. ICP2016, Jul 28, 2016, Yokohama, Japan.

Ashida, H. (2014). Cortical network underlying perception of real and illusory motions. Invited talk in Symposium 3A “Functional and Structural MRI of Visual Brain Networks”, organised by M. W. Greenlee.@APCV 2014 Jul 21, Takamatsu, Japan.

Ashida, H. Verstraten, F. A. J., & Culham, J. (1999). Attentive control of visual motion perception: evidence form attentive tracking. 6th ATR Symposium on Face and Object Recognition. (Jul. 21, 1999 ATR Labs, Kyoto, Japan)

Refereed Conference Abstracts


Ashida, H., Yang, X., Chen, C-C. (2019). Re-visiting the peripheral bias for optic flow. Poster presented at ECVP 2019, Aug 28, 2019, ECVP 2019, KU Leuven, Belgium.

Honma, C. & Ashida, H. (2019). Automaticity in Processing of Spatial/Temporal Stimuli Affects the Degree of Cognitive Interaction between Space and Time. Poster presented at ECVP 2019, Aug 26, 2019, KU Leuven, Belgium.

Kuraguchi, K. et al (2019). Unattractive faces are identified more easily than attractive ones, Poster presented at APCV 2019, Jul 30, 2019, Ibaraki, Japan.

Fujimoto, K. & Ashida, H. (2019). Relationship between vection and head displacement in sitting and standing postures. Poster presented at APCV 2019, Jul 29, 2019, Ibaraki, Japan.


Ashida, H. & Hattori, M. (2018). The anti-barberpole illusion on the slanted surface. Poster presented at ECVP 2018 Trieste, Italy, 2018/8/28.


Ueda, R., Yanagisawa, K., Ashida, H., & Abe, N. (2017). Executive control and faithfulness: only long-term lasting relationship requires prefrontal control. Paper presented at ICCS 2017, GIS National Taiwan University Convention Center, Taipei, Sept 2, 2017.

Ashida, H.,Takaoka, M. A., & Scott-Samuel. N. E. (2017) Possible mislocalisation of a moving ickering target. Poster presented at ECVP 2017 Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin,Germany, 2017/8/31.

Uesaki, M., Ashida, H., Kitaoka, A., Pasqualot, A. (2017) Cross-modal size-contrast illusion: Hearing sounds of increasing intensity leads to underes ma on of object size by touch. Poster presented at ECVP 2017 Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2017/8/30.

Uesaki, M., Ashida, H., Kitaoka, A., Pasqualot, A. (2017). Approaching auditory trees make wooden sticks feel shorter. Poster presented at APCV 2017, Jul 16, 2017, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.

Ashida, H. Ho, A., Kitaoka, A., & Anstis, S. (2017) The spinner illusion and the effect of harmonic components. Paper presented at APCV 2017, Jul 15, 2017, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.

van Tonder, G. V., & Ashida, H. (2017) Illusory motion at the photoreceptor level: insights from a computational model of visual transduction dynamics. Paper presented at APCV 2017, Jul 15, 2017, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.

Yang, Chen, & Ashida (2017) Randomly Updating Images on Coherence Global Motion. Poster presented at APCV 2017, Jul 14, 2017, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.

Yamasaki, D., Miyoshi, K., Ashida, H. (2017). Looming sounds modulate visual size perception depending on the audiovisual
spatial consistency. Poster presented at IMRF 2017, 2017/5/22, Nashville, USA [abstracts(PDF)]


Takemura, H., Uesaki, M., Ashida, H. (2016). Human white-matter pathway communicating parietal and posterior-insular cortex. Society for Neuroscience 2016 Annual Meeting, 2016/11/14, San Diego, USA (poster).

Lin, Y-Y., Miyoshi, K., & Ashida, H. (2016). The Influence of Detailed illustrations on Comprehension Monitoring and Positive Emotions. ECVP 2016, 2016/9/1, Barcelona, Spain. (poster)

Ueda, R., Yanagisawa, K., Ashida, H., & Abe, N. (2016).Why do some people engage in immoral love? : Insights from neuroim- aging and implicit association test. ICP2016 , July 26, 2016 (paper)

Kuraguchi, K. & Ashida, H. Inversion effect on facial beauty. ICP2016, July 26, 2016 (poster).

Ashida, H. & Scott-Samuel, N. E. (2016). Reduced lag for flashing flash-lag. APCV 2016, July, 2016, Fremantle, Australia. (paper)

Kohmura, M., Uesaki, M., Miyoshi, K., & Ashida, H. (2016). Olfactory effects on visual perception for pictures and words in binocular rivalry. APCV 2016, July, 2016, Fremantle, Australia. [Best Poster Award]


Fujimoto, K. & Ashida, H. (2015). Asymmetric effects of stereoscopic depth on simultaneous lightness contrast. ECVP 2015, Aug 27, Liverpool, UK (poster). [abstract]

Uesaki, M., Takemura, H., & Ashida, H. (2015). White-matter pathway connecting sensory cortical regions involved in optic-flow processing. ECVP 2015, Aug 26, Liverpool, UK (poster). [abstract]

Uesaki, M. & Ashida, H. (2015). Neuronal representation of optic flow as a cue to self-motion. IMRF 2015, June 14, Pisa, Italy (talk).

Lin Y-Y. & Ashida, H. (2015). Effects of Using Detailed Illustrations in Textbook Design on Science Learning ECVP 2015, Aug 24, Liverpool, UK (poster). [abstract]

Stevanov, J. Ashida, H., Uesaki, M., Carlson, T. A., Cupchik, G. C., Kitaoka A. (2014). Neural accounts of ‘A-ha’ experience in preference for ambiguous images. Program No. 836.10/QQ28 2014 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2014. Online. (Poster presentation)

Uesaki, M. & Ashida, H. (2014). Vection: neuronal representation of optic flow as a cue to self-motion. ECVP 2014, Aug 27, Belgrade, Serbia. (poster) [abstract]

Ashida, M. T. & Ashida, H. (2014). The effect of video game experience in earlier childhood on fatigue with a portable 3D game machine. ECVP 2014, Aug 26, Belgrade, Serbia. (poster)

Ashida, H. & Kitaoka, A. (2014). Revisiting the influence of spatial frequency on the perception of rotating speed. ECVP 2014, Aug 26, Belgrade, Serbia. (talk) [Perception 43 Suppl, 65]

Stevanov, J., Ashida, H., Uesaki, M., Kitaoka, A. (2014). Neural substrates of the local-to-global shift in mosaic images. ECVP 2014, Aug 25, Belgrade, Serbia. (Paper presentation)

Lin Y-Y. & Ashida, H. (2014). Understandability and aesthetic preference in diagram design: A case study on the design of visual pathway diagrams. APCV 2014, Jul 21, Takamatsu, Japan. (poster) i-Perception, 5(4), 400.

Uesaki, M. & Ashida, H. (2014) Connectivity between brain regions associated with optic flow processing. APCV 2014, Jul 21, Takamatsu, Japan. (poster) i-Perception, 5(4), 370.

Miyoshi, K. & Ashida, H. (2014) Longer stimulus presentation decreases the magnitude of cross-domain priming. APCV 2014, Jul 21, Takamatsu, Japan. (poster) i-Perception, 5(4), 394.

Zeng, X., Kuraguchi, K., & Ashida, H. (2014). Relationships between emotions and colors: A comparison between Japanese and Chinese. APCV 2014, Jul 21, Takamatsu, Japan. (poster) i-Perception, 5(4), 338.

Kuraguchi, K. & Ashida, H. (2014). Does cuteness differ from beauty in peripheral vision? APCV 2014, Jul 20, Takamatsu, Japan. (poster) i-Perception, 5(4), 346.

Honma, C. T., Ashida, H. (2014). What makes space-time interactions in human cognition asymmetrical? APCV 2014, Jul 20, Takamatsu, Japan. (poster) i-Perception, 5(4), 332.

Ueda, R. & Ashida, H., Kuraguchi, K. (2014) Asymmetrical effects of smile and sad expressions on attractiveness. APCV 2014, Jul 19, Takamatsu, Japan. (poster) i-Perception, 5(4), 296.

Matsuyoshi, D., Kuraguchi, K., Tanaka, Y., Uchida, S., & Ashida, H., Watanabe, K. (2014). Human variation in autistic traits predicts the perception of direct gaze for males, but not for females. APCV 2014, Jul 19, Takamatsu, Japan. (talk) i-Perception, 5(4), 210.

Matsuyoshi, D., Kuraguchi, K., Ashida, H. & Watanabe, K. (2014). Interhemispheric differences in the perception of human gaze direction. Proceedings of the 2014 6th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST), 117-119. 2014/1/31, Chonburi, Thailand. (Paper presentation)

Miyoshi, K. & Ashida, H. (2013) Temporal coincidence between priming and implicit recognition. Poster presented at ESCOP 2013, Budapest, Hungary, 2013/8/31. (Abstract book p131, programme download)

Kuraguchi, K. & Ashida, H. (2013) The relation between baby schema and perception of age, beauty or cuteness. Poster presented at ESCOP 2013, Budapest, Hungary, 2013/8/31. (Abstract book p131-132, programme download)

Stevanov, J., Uesaki, M., Kitaoka, A., Ashida, H., & Hecht, H. (2013) 'Face inversion effect' on perception of the vertical gaze direction. Poster presented at ECVP 2013, 2013/8/28, Bremen, Germany. (Perception, 42 Supplement, 199.)

Ashida, H., Kuraguchi, K., & Miyoshi, K. (2013) Helmholtz illusion on clothing revisited. Poster presented at ECVP 2013, Bremen, Germany. ((Perception, 42 Supplement, 96-97.)

Ashida, H. & Scott-Samuel, N. E. (2012). Lightness contrast at the leading edge of motion. Paper presented at ECVP 2012, 2012/9/5, Alghero, Italy. (Perception 41 supplement, 46.)

Uesaki, M. & Ashida, H. (2012). Representation of egomotion in the brain and its relation to vection. Poster presented at ECVP 2012, 2012/9/5, Alghero, Italy. (Perception 41 supplement, 196.)

Stevanov, J., Uesaki, M., Ashida, H., Carlson, T., Cupchik, G., and Kitaoka, A. (2012). Neural correlates of perceptual pleasure and “Aha” experiences triggered by perceptual flips in ambiguous images. Paper presented at ECVP 2012, 2012/9/6, Alghero, Italy. (Perception 41 supplement, 61.)

Takaoka, M. A. & Ashida, H. (2012). Assessment of glassless 3D viewing on a portable game machine. Poster presented at ECVP 2012, 2012/9/3, Alghero, Italy. (Perception 41 supplement, 72.)

Kajimura, M. & Ashida, H. (2012). Asymmetricity of McGurk Effect Depending on the Orientation of Faces. Poster to be presented at CogSci 2012, 2012/7/2, Sapporo, Japan. [abstract]

Kuraguchi, K., & Ashida, H. (2012). Beauty and Cuteness in Peripheral Vision. Poster to be presented at CogSci 2012, 2012/8/4, Sapporo, Japan. [abstract]

Miyoshi, K. & Ashida, H. (2012). Behavioral priming contributes to the subsequent recognition performance. Poster to be presented at CogSci 2012, 2012/8/3, Sapporo, Japan. [abstract]

Tanabe-Ishibashi, A., Takahashi, M., Katsuhara, M., Kuraguchi, K., & Ashida, H. (2012). For female eyes only: Comparing the effects of enlarging eyes and irises on facial attractiveness. Poster to be presented at CogSci 2012, 2012/8/4, Sapporo, Japan. [abstract]

Takemura, H., Ashida, H., Amano, K., Kitaoka, A., Murakami, I. (2012). Neural correlates of induced motion revealed by fMRI. Poster presented at VSS 2012, 2012/5/13, Naples, FL, USA, Journal of Vision, 12(9), 755. doi: 10.1167/12.9.755

Takemura, H., Ashida, H., Amano, K., Kitaoka, A. and Murakami, I. (2011). Neural correlates of induced motion perception in the human visual cortex. Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Nov 15, 2011, Washington DC, USA.

Kajimura, M., Kojima, H., & Ashida, H. (2011). Context information on the McGurk effect. i-Perception, 2(8), 770.12th International Multisensory Research Forum, Oct 17, 2011, Fukuoka, Japan. [abstract]

Ashida, H. (2011). Separate processing of expanding and rotating motion in human MT+. Perception, 40 ECVP Abstract Supplement, 132. Poeter presented at ECVP 2011,Aug 30, 2011, Toulouse, France. [abstract]

Ashida, H. & Kuraguchi, K. (2011). Anger superiority in single-face judgements. i-Perception, 2(4), 358. Talk at APCV 2011, Jul 18, 2011, Hong Kong.[abstract]

Uesaki, M., et al. (2011). Negative BOLD in the lateral geniculate nucleus: neuronal implications and cortico-thalamic feedback. i-Perception, 2(4), 314. Poster at APCV 2011, Jul 17, 2011, Hong Kong.[abstract]

Kuraguchi, K., & Ashida, H. (2011).The effect of attractiveness on recognition memory when women look at female faces . i-Perception, 2(4), 246. Poster at APCV 2011, Jul 16, 2011, Hong Kong.[abstract]

Uenaka, R., & Ashida, H. (2011). Individual differences in spatial knowledge acquisition from a virtual environment: An eye-tracking study. i-Perception, 2(4), 257. Poster at APCV 2011, Jul 16, 2011, Hong Kong.[abstract]

Uenaka, R. & Ashida, H. (2011). Individual differences in spatial knowledge acquisition from a virtual environment. Poster presented at International Workshop for Young Researchers “Knowing self, knowing others”, Jan 29, 2011, Kyoto University, Japan.

Kuraguchi, K. & Ashida, H. (2011). The Effect of Facial Attractiveness and Gender on Recognition Memory. Poster presented at International Workshop for Young Researchers “Knowing self, knowing others”, Jan 29, 2011, Kyoto University, Japan.

Ashida, H. (2010). Searching for cortical areas for a motion discrimination task. Poster presented at ECVP 2008, Aug 22-26, Lausanne, Switzerland. (Perception 39 ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 139)

Ashida, H. & Kitaoka, A. (2010). Asymmetric Temporal Filtering Underlying the ‘Rotating Snakes’ Illusion. Vision 22(Supplement), 67-68. (The 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, July 23-26, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan)

Ashida, H. , Kuriki, I., Murakami, I., & Kitaoka, A. (2010) fMRI adaptation to anomalous motion in the "Rotating Snakes" patterns. Journal of Vision, August 2, 2010 10(7): 827; doi:10.1167/10.7.827 (VSS 2010, May 7-12, Naples, USA).

Ashida, H. & Shirakawa, H. (2008). Static motion aftereffect depends on relative depth. European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2008), Aug 24-28, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Ashida, H. (2008). Speed tuning of motion-related position shifts. Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (Conferene booklet p27), Jul 18-21, Brisbane, Australia.

Ashida, H., Lingnau A., Wall, M. B., Smith, A. T. (2007) Speed tuning in human visual cortex: an
fMRI adaptation study. Perception supplement (ECVP2007, Arezzo, Italy, Aug 27-31)

Ando, H., Sakano, Y., Ashida, H. (2007). Human evaluation of visual and haptic interaction. 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, July 22-27, Beijing, China.

Hill, H., Ashida, H., Ando, H. (2007) Effects of haptic feedback on the perception of ambiguous visual stimuli. 8th International Multisensory Research Forum, July 5-7, Sydney, Australia. [abstract]

Ashida, H. & Kitakaze, T. (2006). Prism adaptation and aftereffect in darts. 4th Asian Conference on Vision (Matsue, Japan).

Lingnau A., Ashida, H., Wall, M. B., Smith, A. T. (2006) First- and second-order motion stimuli are processed by separate mechanisms. Human Brain Mapping 2006 (Florence, Italy)

Wall, M. B., Lingnau A., Ashida, H., Smith, A. T. (2006) Fast fMRI adaptation reveals sensitivity to optic flow in human MT and MST. Human Brain Mapping 2006 (Florence, Italy)

Ashida, H., Lingnau, A., Wall, M. B., & Smith, A. T. (2006). Indendent fMRI adaptation to first-order and second-order motion. (VSS 2006 annual meeting, Sarasota, FL, USA)

Murakami, I., Kitaoka, A., & Ashida, H. (2006). Artificial image oscillation enhances the rotating snakes illusion. (VSS 2006 annual meeting, Sarasota, FL, USA)

Smith, A. T., Wall, M. B., Lingnau, A., Ashida, H. (2006). Sensitivity to optic flow in human MT and MST measured with fMRI adaptation . (VSS 2006 annual meeting, Sarasota, FL, USA)

Williams, A. L., Zanker, J. M., & Ashida, H. (2005). Cortical activity during illusory motion sensations: the Spinning Disks illusion. Perception, 34 Supplement, ???. (ECVP 2004, A Caruna, Spain).

Ashida, H. & Smith, A. T. (2005) Retinotopic mapping of motion stimuli in human visual cortex. Journal of Vision, 5(8), 489. (VSS 2005 annual meeting, Sarasota, FL, USA) [JOV]

Ashida, H., Yamagishi, N., & Anderson, S. J. (2004). Visually-guided actions are dependent on luminance signals. AVA Christmas Meeting 04. (Perception, 34(2), 245)

Murakami, I., Kitaoka A., & Ashida, H. (2004). The amplitude of small eye movements correlates with the saliency of the peripheral drift illusion. Society for Neuroscience annual meeting. [abstract viewer (need login)]

Ashida, H. & Kitaoka, A. (2003). A gradient-based model of the peripheral drift illusion. Perception, 32 supplement, 106. (ECVP 2003, Paris, France) [HANDOUT]

Ando, H. & Ashida, H. (2003). Touch can influence visual depth reversal of the Necker cube. Perception, 32 supplement, 97. (ECVP 2003, Paris, France) [HANDOUT]

Yoshida, T., Ashida, H., & Osaka, N. (2003). Reaction time reveals that visual search has more memory. Vision Sciences Society annual meeting, Abstracts p. 196. (May 9-14 Sarasota, FL.)

Ashida, H. Kitaoka, A., & Sakurai, K. (2002). A Fourier approach to the Ouchi-type anomalous-motion illusion. Perception, 31 supplement, 84. (ECVP 2002, Glasgow, UK)

Kitaoka, A. & Ashida H. (2002). An anomalous motion illusion based upon signal delay. Perception, 31 supplement, 162. (ECVP 2002, Glasgow, UK)

Ashida, H. & Nagai, M. (2002) at Visual Localization in Space-Time, Brigton, UK, accepted for presentation.

Ashida, H. (2002). ‘Representational momentum’ in reaching action. Vision Sciences Society annual meeting, May 9-15, Sarasota, FL. [poster pdf]

Yoshida, T., Ashida, H., & Osaka, N. (2002). Capacity of short term implicit memory is larger than visuospatial working memory in visual search. Vision Sciences Society annual meeting, (May 9-15, Sarasota, FL.)

Ashida, H. (2001). Attentive processing of second-order motion? Proceedings of the third international conference on cognitive science, 231-235, August 26-31, Beijing, China. [pdf]

Ashida, H. & Yamagishi, N. (2001). Movement-related positional bias for luminance and colour motion. Vision Sciences Society annual meeting, May 4-8, Sarasota, FL. [program info][poster pdf]

Ashida, H. (2000). Optimal spatial frequency in the Ouchi illusion. Perception, 29 Supplement, 56 (ECVP 2000)

Ashida, H. (2000). Optimal stimulus size in Ouchi apparent motion illusion. International Congress of Psychology, (Stockholm, Sweden).

Yamagishi, N., Anderson, S. J., & Ashida, H. (2000). Movement-related positional bias: psychophysical evidence for dissociation between perception and action. IOVS, 41, 4, S714 (ARVO 2000).

Grove, P. M., Ashida, H., Kaneko, H., & Ono, H. (2000). Interocular transfer of motion aftereffect indicates effective binocular field is over 60 degrees. IOVS, 41, 4, S732 (ARVO 2000).

Ashida, H. & Yamagishi, N. (1999). Detection of second-order motion in the central and off-central visual fields. IOVS, 40, 4, S425. (ARVO '99)

Ashida, H, & Osaka, N. (1998). Second-order motion does not pop-out. Perception, 27 supplement, 181. (ECVP '98) [abstract]

Nishida, S., & Ashida, H.(1998). Two components of flicker motion aftereffects. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 38, S1082. (ARVO '98)

Ashida, H, Verstraten A. J. & Nishida S. (1997). What is the transition point between static and dynamic motion aftereffects? Perception, 26 supplement, 86. (ECVP '97) [abstract]

Ashida, H., Robin, N., Kaneko, H., Verstraten, F. & Ojima, S. (1997). Second-order motion has little effect on human postural control. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 37, S81. (ARVO '97)

Verstraten, F., Ashida, H. & Kaneko, H. (1997). Attentive tracking of directionally ambiguous and biased motion stimuli. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 37, S373. (ARVO '97)

Ashida, H. (1996). Perceived motion of compound grating with ISI: evidence for feature-based processing. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 36, S743. (ARVO '96)

Osaka, N., Ashida, H. Osaka, M. Koyama, S. & Kakigi, R. (1996). Evoked magnetic field elicited by motion and motion aftereffect. Perception, 25, 32. (ECVP '96)

Susami, K., Kaneko H. & Ashida, H. (1996). Cooperative interaction between change in disparity and size for the perception of motion in depth. Perception, 25, 65. (ECVP '96)

Ashida, H. & Osaka, N. (1995). Effects of direction judgement on motion aftereffect induced by second-order motion. Perception, 24 supplement, 103. (ECVP '95)

Ashida, H. & Osaka, N. (1994). Temporal tuning of two kinds of motion aftereffect. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 35, 1838. (ARVO '94)

Nishida, S., Ashida, H. & Sato, T. (1994). Perfect interocular transfer of flicker motion aftereffect. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 35, 2157.

Ashida, H. (1993). Velocity tuning of the motion aftereffect with flickering test stimuli. Proceedings of 2nd IEEE international workshop on Robot and Human Communication, 55-59.

Conferense / Workshop

Ashida, H, Verstraten, F. A. J. (1997). Attentive tracking of motion: interaction between low-level and high-level motion. Selection and Integration of Visual Information (Proceedings of the International Worksjop on Advances in Research on Visual Cognition), National Institute of Bioscience and Human-Technology, Tsukuba, Japan, 229-233.
