


藤田和生(指導)(2015)「動物の認知-適応の手段としての認知-」(DVD教材) in 高野陽太郎監修(2015)「認知心理学」現代心理学シリーズ 第10巻.サン・エデュケーショナル.

藤田和生(編著)日本動物心理学会(監修)(2015). 動物たちは何を考えている? -動物心理学の挑戦-. 技術評論社 知りたいサイエンスシリーズ, 303pp.(5月16日刊行)

藤田和生(著)(2015). 誤解だらけの“イヌの気持ち” 財界展望新社, 187pp.(4月27日刊行)

中村哲之・渡辺茂・開一夫・藤田和生 (2014). 心の多様性-脳は世界をいかに捉えているか-.大学出版部協会.79pp.(6月20日発行)

藤永保(監修)、内田伸子、繁桝算男、杉山憲司(責任編集)(2013).「新版 心理学事典」 (項目執筆-記憶(動物)、概念(動物)、動物心理物理学、見本合わせ).平凡社.

藤田和生(with板倉昭二・明和政子・平田聡)(2011). 比較行動学-ヒト観の再構築.放送大学教育振興会.

子安増生(編)(2011).心理学概論.ナカニシヤ出版. (分担執筆.担当:学習、心の進化)

Itakura, S., & Fujita, K. (eds.) (2008). Origins of the social mind: Evolutionary and developmental views. Tokyo, Springer Verlag. 211pp.


藤田和生 (2007)「動物たちのちのゆたかな心」京都大学学術出版会

Fujita, K., & Itakura, S. (eds.) (2006). Diversity of cognition: Evolution, Development, Domestication, and Pathology. Kyoto University Press.

人工知能学会(編)「人工知能学事典」共立出版(2005)(項目執筆)(2-16 動物行動、pp.94-96)




京都大学心理学教官連絡会(編)(2001)「21世紀の心理学に向かって-京都大学の現状と未来-.」 ナカニシヤ出版(分担執筆)


藤田和生 (1998).比較認知科学への招待-「こころ」の進化学-.ナカニシヤ出版




友永雅己・小田亮・平田聡・藤田和生(監訳)(2004)「マキャベリ的知性と心の理論の進化論Ⅱ-新たなる展開」ナカニシヤ出版[原書:.Whiten, A. & Byrne, R.  (Eds). (1997). Machiavellian intelligence II: Extensions and evaluations. Cambridge University Press.]

藤田和生・山下博志・友永雅己(監訳)(2004)「マキャベリ的知性と心の理論の進化論-ヒトはなぜ賢くなったか-」ナカニシヤ出版 [原書: Byrne, R. & Whiten, A. (Eds). (1988). Machiavellian intelligence: Social expertise and the evolution of intellect in monkeys, apes, and humans. Oxford Science Publications.] 

浅野俊夫・長谷川芳典・藤田和生 (1998).動物コミュニケーション-行動のしくみから学習の遺伝子まで.西村書店 [原書: T.R.Halliday & P.J.B.Slater (Eds.) (1983). Animal Behaviour. 3 vols. Blackwell Scientific Publications]

杉山幸丸・松沢哲郎監訳(1990)野生チンパンジーの世界.ミネルヴァ書房[原書: J. Goodall (1986). The chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of behavior. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.(分担訳)


Fujita, K., Nakamura, N., Watanabe, S., & Ushitani, T. Comparative Visual Illusions: Evolutionary, cross-cultural, and developmental perspectives. APA Handbook of Comparative Psychology. American Psychological Association, in press.

Fujita, K., Nakamura, N., & Watanabe, S. (2016). Visual illusion in a comparative perspective. Arthur Shapiro and Dejan Todorovic (eds.), The Oxford compendium of visual illusions. Oxford University Press, in press.

Anderson, J. R., Kuroshima, H., & Fujita, K. (2016). Observational learning in capuchin monkeys: a video deficit effect. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, in press.

藤田和生 (2016). イヌはヒトの行動に何を見ているのか? 動物心理学研究, 印刷中

Anderson, J. R., Bucher, B., Kuroshima, H., & Fujita, K. (2016). Evaluation of third-party reciprocity by squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) and the question of mechanisms. Animal Cognition, in press.

Arahori, M., Hori, Y., Saito, A., Chijiiwa, H., Takagi, S., Ito, Y., Watanabe, A., Inoue-Murayama, M., & Fujita, K. (2016). The oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) polymorphism in cats (Felis catus) is associated with "Roughness" assessed by owners. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 11, 109-112. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jveb.2015.07.039)

Hori, Y., Tozaki, T., Nambo, Y., Sato, F., Ishimaru, M., Inoue-Murayama, M., & Fujita, K. (2016). Evidence for the effect of serotonin receptor 1A gene (HTR1A) polymorphism on tractability in Thoroughbred horses. Animal Genetics, 47, 62-67. (DOI: 10.1111/age.12384)

Fujita, K. (2015). Your dog is your real friend: third-party affective evaluation by dogs. Kyoto University Research Activities, 5(3), 20.

永澤美保・外池亜紀子・菊水健史・藤田和生 (2015). ヒトに対するイヌの共感性[Dogs’ empathetic ability toward humans]. 心理学評論, 58(3), 324-339.

藤田和生・菊水健史(2015). なぜいま「共感性」か―特集号「共感性の進化と発達」の刊行にあたって. 心理学評論, 58(3), 253-254. [Editorial: Why we ask questions of "empathetic systems" now.]

Takahashi, M., Ueno, Y., & Fujita, K. (2015). Inference in a social context: A comparative study of capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella), tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri), hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), and rats (Rattus norvegicus). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 129(4), 402-411. (doi: 10.1037/a0039732)

Tonoike, A., Hori, Y., Inoue-Murayama, M., Konno, A., Fujita, K., Miyado, M., Fukami, M., Nagasawa, M., Mogi, K., & Kikusui, T. (2015). Copy number variations in the amylase gene (AMY2B) in Japanese native dog breeds. Animal Genetics, 46, 580–583. (doi: 10.1111/age.12344)

Takagi, S., Chijiiwa, H., Arahori, M., Tsuzuki, M., Hyuga, A., & Fujita, K. (2015). Do cats (Felis catus) predict the presence of an invisible object from sound? Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 10, 407-412. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jveb.2015.06.002)

Hiramatsu, C., & Fujita, K. (2015). Visual categorization of surface qualities of materials by capuchin monkeys and humans. Vision Research, 115, 71-82. (DOI: 10.1016/j.visres.2015.07.006)

Chijiiwa, H., Kuroshima, H., Hori, Y., Anderson, J. R., & Fujita, K. (2015). Dogs avoid people who behave negatively to their owner: third-party affective evaluation. Animal Behaviour, 106, 123-127. (DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2015.05.018)

Takaoka, A., Maeda, T., Hori, Y., & Fujita, K. (2015). Do dogs follow behavioral cues from an unreliable human? Animal Cognition, 18, 475–483. (DOI: 10.1007/s10071-014-0816-2)

Cacchione, T., Indino, M., Fujita, K., Itakura, S., Matsuno, T., Shuwab, S., & Amici, F. (2014). Universal ontogeny: attentive tracking of objects and substances across languages and over development. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 38(6), 481-486. (DOI: 10.1177/0165025414544233)

Otaki, S., Watanabe, S., & Fujita, K. (2014). Differential motion processing between species facing Ternus-Pikler display: non-retinotopic humans versus retinotopic pigeons. Vision Research, 103, 32-40. (doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2014.08.007)

堀裕亮・瀧本彩加・坪山佳織・沓掛展之・井上‐村山美穂・藤田和生 (2014).御崎馬におけるドーパミン受容体D4遺伝子の多型解析.DNA多型,22, 42-44.

MacLean, E. L., Hare, B., Nunna, C. L., Addessi, E., Amici, F., Anderson, R. C., Aureli, F., Baker, J. M., Baniaj, A. E., Barnard, A. M., Boogert, N. J., Brannon, E. M., Bray, E. E., Braya, J., Brent, L. J. N., Burkart, J. M., Call, J., Cantlon, J. F., Cheke, L. G., Clayton, N. S., Delgado, M. M., DiVincenti, L. J., Fujita, K., Herrmann, E., Hiramatsu, C., Jacobs, L. F., Jordan, K. E., Laude, J. R., Leimgruber, K. L., Messer, E. J. E., Moura, A. C. de A., Ostojic, L., Picardz, A., Platta, M. L., Plotnikq, J. M., Range, F., Reader, S. M., Reddyff, R. B., Sandelff, A. A., Santos, L. R., Schumann, K., Seed, A. M., Sewall, K. B., Shaw, R. C., Slocombez, K. E. Sugg, Y., Takimoto, A., Tan, J., Tao, R., van Schaik, C. P., Virányi, Z., Visalberghi, E., Wade, J. C., Watanabe, A., Widness, J., Young, J. K., Zentall, T. R., & Zhao, Y. (2014). The evolution of self-control. Proceedings from the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 111(20), E2140-E2148. (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1323533111)

藤田和生 (2014). 感情の進化-新世界ザルの感情機能-.最新精神医学, 19(4), 295-302. (2014年7月)

Watanabe, S., Nishimoto, Y., Fujita, K., & Ishida, M. (2014). Budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulates) perceive a Müller-Lyer illusion. The Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 33(1), 117-118. (Summary of awarded presentation).

Nakamura, N., Watanabe, S., & Fujita, K. (2014). A reversed Ebbinghaus-Titchener illusion in bantams (Gallus gallus domesticus). Animal Cognition, 17, 471-481. (DOI 10.1007/s10071-013-0679-y)

高岡祥子・森崎礼子・藤田和生 (2013). イヌ(Canis familiaris)におけるヒトの性別の感覚統合的概念(Cross-modal concept of human gender in dogs (Canis familiaris)). 動物心理学研究, 63(2), 123-130. (doi: 10.2502/janip.63.2.2)

Hori, Y., Ozaki, T., Yamada, Y., Tozaki, T., Kim, H-S., Takimoto, A., Endo, M., Manabe, N., Inoue-Murayama, M., & Fujita, K. (2013). Breed differences in dopamine receptor D4 gene (DRD4) in horses. Journal of Equine Science, 24(3), 31-36.

Anderson, J. R., Kuroshima, H., Takimoto, A., & Fujita, K. (2013). Third-party social evaluation of humans by monkeys. Nature Communications, 4:1561 (DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2495)

Anderson, J. R., Takimoto, A., Kuroshima, H., & Fujita, K. (2013). Capuchin monkeys judge third-party reciprocity. Cognition, 127, 140–146. (doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2012.12.007)

Hori, Y., Kishi, H., Inoue-Murayama, M., & Fujita, K. (2013). Dopamine receptor D4 gene (DRD4) is associated with gazing toward humans in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris). Open Journal of Animal Science, 3, 54-58. (doi: 10.4236/ojas.2013.31008)

Iwasaki, S., Watanabe, S., & Fujita, K. (2013). Do pigeons (Columba livia) seek information when they have insufficient knowledge? Animal Cognition, 16(2), 211-221. (DOI 10.1007/s10071-012-0566-y)

Watanabe, S., Nakamura, N., & Fujita, K. (2013). Bantams (Gallus gallus domesticus) also perceive a reversed Zöllner illusion. Animal Cognition, 16, 109-115. (DOI 10.1007/s10071-012-0556-0)

Fujita, K., Nakamura, N., Iwasaki, S., & Watanabe, S. (2012). Are birds metacognitive? In: Beran M., Brandl, J. L., Perner, J., & Proust, J. (eds.), Foundations of metacognition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp.50-61.

子安増生・楠見孝・Carvalho-Filho, M. K.・橋本京子・藤田和生・鈴木晶子・大山泰宏・Becker C.・内田由紀子・Dalsky, D.・Mattig, R.・櫻井里穂・小島隆次 (2012). 幸福感の国際比較研究-13カ国のデータ- (A cross-national study on happiness: Data from thirteen countries).心理学評論, 55(1), 70-89.

Miyata, H., & Fujita, K. (2012). Further tests of pigeons’ (Columba livia) planning behavior using a computerized plus-shaped maze task. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 115 (1), 27-42. (DOI 10.2466/23.04.22.PMS.115.4.27-42)

Fujita, K., Morisaki, A., Takaoka, A., Maeda, T., & Hori, Y. (2012). Incidental memory in dogs (Canis familiaris): adaptive behavioral solution at an unexpected memory test. Animal Cognition, 15, 1055–1063. (DOI 10.1007/s10071-012-0529-3)

Fujita, K. (2012). Seeing what is not there: Illusion, completion, and spatio-temporal boundary formation in comparative perspective. (Chapter 3). In: T. R. Zentall & E. A. Wasserman, (ed.), "The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Cognition." New York, Oxford University Press. (pp. 25-47).

Fujita, K., Nakamura, N., Iwasaki, S., & Watanabe, S. (2012). Are birds metacognitive? In: Beran M., Brandl, J. L., Perner, J., & Proust, J. (eds.), Foundations of metacognition. Oxford University Press. (pp. 50-61)

Fujita, K., Nakamura, N., Sakai, A., Watanabe, S., & Ushitani, T. (2012). Amodal completion and illusory perception in birds and primates (Chapter 7). In Lazareva, O., Shimizu, T., & Wasserman, E. (eds.), How animals see the world: Comparative behavior, biology, and evolution of vision. New York, Oxford University Press. (pp. 101-116).

Hattori, Y., Leimgruber, K., Fujita, K., & de Waal, F. B. M. (2012). Food-related tolerance in capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) varies with knowledge of the partner's previous food-consumption. Behaviour, 149, 171–185. (DOI: 10.1163/156853912X634124)

Miyata, H., & Fujita, K. (2012). Acquisition of a same-different discrimination task by pigeons (Columba livia). Psychological Reports, 110(2), 251-262. (doi: 10.2466/22.23.PR0.110.1.251-262)

Tsutsumi, S., Ushitani, T., Tomonaga, M., & Fujita, K. (2012). Infant monkeys’ concept of animacy: the role of eyes and fluffiness. Primates, 53, 113-119. (DOI: 10.1007/s10329-011-0289-8)

Morimoto, Y., & Fujita, K. (2011). Capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) use conspecifics’ emotional expressions to evaluate emotional valence of objects. Animal Cognition, in press. (DOI: 10.1007/s10071-011-0458-6)

瀧本彩加・堀 裕亮・藤田和生 (2011). ウマにおける認知研究の現状と展望(The present situation and future prospects of studies on horse cognition). 動物心理学研究, 61(2), 141-153.(doi: 10.2502/janip.61.2.2)

Hattori, Y., Tomonaga, M., & Fujita, K. (2011). Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) show more understanding of human attentional states when they request food in the experimenter’s hand than on the table. Interaction Studies, 12(3), 418-429.

Tsutsumi, S., Ushitani, T., & Fujita, K. (2011). Arithmetic-like reasoning in wild vervet monkeys: a demonstration of cost-benefit calculation in foraging. International Journal of Zoology, Vol. 2011, Article ID 806589. (doi:10.1155/2011/806589). 11 pp.

Miyata, H. & Fujita, K. (2011). Flexible route selection by pigeons (Columba livia) on a computerized multi-goal navigation task with and without an “obstacle.” Journal of Comparative Psychology, 125(4), 431-435. (DOI: 10.1037/a0024240)

Nakamura, N., Watanabe, S., Betsuyaku, T., & Fujita, K. (2011). Do bantams amodally complete partly occluded lines? An analysis of line classification performance. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 125(4), 411–419. (DOI: 10.1037/a0024629)

宮田裕光・藤田和生 (2011). ヒト以外の動物におけるプランニング能力―霊長類と鳥類を中心に―(Planning abilities in non-human animals: new finding in primates and birds).動物心理学研究, 61(1), 69-82. (doi: 10.2502/janip.61.1.4)

Takimoto, A., & Fujita, K. (2011). I acknowledge your help: capuchin monkeys’ sensitivity to others’ labor. Animal Cognition, 14, 715–725. (DOI 10.1007/s10071-011-0406-5).

Morimoto, Y., & Fujita, K. (2011). Capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) modify their own behaviors according to a conspecific’s emotional expressions. Primates, 52, 279–286. (DOI 10.1007/s10329-011-0249-3)

Watanabe, S., Nakamura, N., & Fujita, K. (2011). Pigeons perceive a reversed Zöllner illusion. Cognition, 119(1), 137-141. (doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2010.10.020)

Nakamura, N., Watanabe, S., Betsuyaku, T., & Fujita, K. (2011). Do birds (pigeons and bantams) know how confident they are of their perceptual decisions? Animal Cognition, 14(1), 83–93. (DOI 10.1007/s10071-010-0345-6)

Miyata, H., Gajdon, G., Huber, L., & Fujita, K. (2011). How do keas (Nestor notabilis) solve artificial-fruit problems with multiple locks ? Animal Cognition, 14(1), 45–58. (DOI 10.1007/s10071-010-0342-9)

Adachi, I., Anderson, J. R., & Fujita, K. (2011). Reverse-reward learning in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus): Retesting after 5 years, and assessment on qualitative transfer. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 125(1), 84–90. (DOI: 10.1037/a0021041)

Fujita, K., Sato, Y., & Kuroshima, H. (2011). Learning and generalization of tool use by tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) in tasks involving three factors: reward, tool, and hindrance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 37(1), 10–19. (DOI: 10.1037/a0020274)

藤田和生 (2010).比較メタ認知研究の動向.心理学評論, 53(3), 270-294.

Miyata, H., & Fujita, K. (2010). Route selection by pigeons (Columba livia) in “traveling salesperson” navigation tasks presented on an LCD screen. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2010, 124(4), 433–446.

Nakamura, N., Watanabe, S., Betsuyaku, T., & Fujita, K. (2010). Do bantams (Gallus gallus domesticus) experience amodal completion? An analysis of visual search performance. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 124(3), 331-335.

Anderson, J. R., Hattori, Y., Kuroshima, H., & Fujita, K. (2010). Flexibility in the use of requesting gestures in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus). American Journal of Primatology, 72, 707-714.

Anderson, J. R., Kuroshima, H., & Fujita, K. (2010). Delay of gratification in capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) and squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 124(2), 205-210.

Takimoto, A., Kuroshima, H., & Fujita, K. (2010). Capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) are sensitive to others’ reward: An experimental analysis of food-choice for conspecifics. Animal Cognition, 13(2), 249-261. (DOI 10.1007/s10071-009-0262-8).

Hattori, Y., Kuroshima, H., & Fujita, K. (2010). Tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) show understanding of human attentional states when requesting food held by a human. Animal Cognition, 13(1), 87–92. (DOI 10.1007/s10071-009-0248-6).

藤田和生 (2009). フサオマキザルの社会的知性(Social intelligence in tufted capuchin monkeys).動物心理学研究, 59(1), 117-130.

Nakamura, N., Watanabe, S., & Fujita, K. (2009). Further analysis of perception of the standard Müller-Lyer figures in pigeons (Columba livia) and humans (Homo sapiens): Effects of length of brackets. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 123(3), 287–294.

Anderson, J. R., Awazu, S., & Fujita, K. (2009). Colour vs. quantity as cues in reverse-reward-competent squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus). Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(4), 673-680.

Fujita, K. (2009). Metamemory in tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). Animal Cognition, 12(4), 575–585 (DOI: 10.1007/s10071-009-0217-00)

藤田和生・黒島妃香・服部裕子・高橋真・森本陽・瀧本彩加・佐藤義明 (2009). フサオマキザルの知性と感情(Intellectual and affective processes of tufted capuchin monkeys).霊長類研究, 24, 241-263.

Matsuno, T., & Fujita, K. (2009). A comparative psychophysical approach to visual perception in primates. Primates, 50, 121–130.

Miyata, H., Itakura, S., & Fujita, K. (2009). Planning in human children (Homo sapiens) assessed by maze problems on the touch screen. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 123(1), 69-78.

Adachi, I., Kuwahata, H., Fujita, K., Tomonaga, M., & Matsuzawa, T. (2009). Plasticity of ability to form cross-modal representations in infant Japanese macaques. Developmental Science, 12(3), 446–452.

Anderson, J. R., Kuroshima, H., Paukner, A. & Fujita, K. (2009). Capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) respond to video images of themselves. Animal Cognition, 12, 55-62.

Fujita, K., & Ushitani, T. (2009). Perceptual logics in a comparative perspective: the case of amodal completion. In Watanabe, S., Blaisdell, A. P., Huber, L., & Young, A. (eds.), Rational animals, irrational humans. Keio University Press. Pp.201-214

藤田和生 (2009). 動物の幸福と人の幸福.子安増生(編)心が活きる教育に向かって-幸福感を紡ぐ心理学・教育学-.ナカニシヤ出版.pp.146-166.

藤田和生 (2009). メタ記憶の進化.清水寛之(編)メタ記憶-記憶のモニタリングとコントロール.北大路書房.pp.173-199.

Miyata, H., Itakura, S., & Fujita, K. (2009). Planning in human children (Homo sapiens) assessed by maze problems on the touch screen. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 123(1), 69-78.

Fujita, K.,Kuroshima, H., Hattori, Y., & Takahashi, M. (2008). Social intelligence in capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). In: S. Itakura & K. Fujita (eds.) Origins of the social mind: Evolutionary and developmental views. Springer Verlag, pp.3-20..

Anderson, J. R., Hattori, Y., & Fujita, K. (2008). Quality before quantity: Rapid learning of reverse-reward contingency by capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 122(4), 445-448.

Nakamura, N., Watanabe, S., & Fujita, K. (2009). Further analysis of perception of reversed Müller-Lyer figures for pigeons (Columba livia). Perceptual & Motor Skills, 108, 239-250.

Anderson, J. R., Kuroshima, H., Paukner, A. & Fujita, K. (2009). Capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) respond to video images of themselves. Animal Cognition, 12, 55-62.

Kuroshima, H., Kuwahata, H., & Fujita, K. (2008). Learning form other’s mistakes in capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). Animal Cognition, 11, 599-609.

Miyata, H., & Fujita, K. (2008). Pigeons (Columba livia) plan future moves on computerized maze tasks. Animal Cognition, 11, 505–516.

Nakamura, N., Watanabe, S., & Fujita, K (2008). Pigeons perceive an assimilation illusion induced by the Ebbinghaus-Titchener circles. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 34(3), 375-387..

Takahashi, M., Ushitani, T., & Fujita, K. (2008). Inference based on transitive relation in tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri) and rats (Rattus norvegicus) on a spatial discrimination task. The Psychological Record, 58, 215-227.

藤田和生・高岡祥子・古見昌宏 (2007). イヌ(Canis familiaris)新生児における母親の匂い弁別.動物心理学研究, 57(2), 89-94.

Hattori, Y., Kuroshima, H., & Fujita, K. (2007). I know you are not looking at me: Capuchin monkeys' (Cebus apella) sensitivity to human attentional states. Animal Cognition, 10(2), 141-148.

Adachi, I., & Fujita, K. (2007). Cross-modal representation of human caretakers in squirrel monkeys. Behavioural Processes, 74, 27-32..

Anderson, J. R., Kuwahata, H., & Fujita, K. (2007). Gaze alternation during “pointing” by squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus)? Animal Cognition, 10(2), 267-271.

Adachi, I., Kuwahata, H., & Fujita, K. (2007). Dogs recall owner's face upon hearing owner's voice. Animal Cognition, 10, 17-21.

藤田和生 (2007). 心の進化.紀平英作(編)グローバル化時代の人文学-対話と寛容の知を求めて-(下).京都大学学術出版会.pp.5-40.

藤田和生 (2007). 動物の感覚・知覚(視覚).大山正・今井省吾・和気典二・菊池正(編)新編 感覚・知覚ハンドブックPart 2. 誠信書房.pp.21-47.

藤田和生 (2007). 心を読むこと、他者を操作すること. 山極寿一(編)ヒトはどのようにしてつくられたか(ヒトの科学1).岩波書店.pp.133-152.

藤田和生 (2006). 比較認知科学におけるパーティシペーションの意味.心理学評論, 49(3), 384-398.

Miyata, H., Ushitani, T., Adachi, I. & Fujita, K. (2006). Performance of pigeons (Columba livia) on maze problems presented on the LCD screen: In search for preplanning ability in an avian species. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 120(4), 358-366.

Adachi, I., Kuwahata, H., Fujita, K., Tomonaga, M., & Matsuzawa, T. (2006). Infant Japanese macaques in their first age have already formed a multi-modal representation of their own species. Primates, 47(4), 350-354.

Nakamura, N., Fujita, K. Ushitani, T., & Miyata, H. (2006). Perception of the standard and the reversed Müller-Lyer figures in pigeons (Columba livia) and humans (Homo sapiens) Journal of Comparative Psychology, 120, 252-261.

藤田和生 (2006). 比較認知(第6章).海保博之・楠見孝(監修)心理学総合事典、朝倉書店、pp. 111-128.

Awazu, S., & Fujita, K. (2006). Transfer from “edible” categorization training to feeding behavior in pigeons (Columba livia). Japanese Psychological Research, 48(1), 27–33.

Fujita, K. (2006). Seeing what is not there: Illusion, completion, and spatio-temporal boundary formation in comparative perspective. In: Wasserman, E. A., & Zentall, T. R. (eds.), Comparative Cognition: Experimental Explorations of Animal Intelligence, pp. 29-52.

Fujita, K., & Ushitani, T. (2006). How do primates and birds recognize figures? in K. Fujita, & S. Itakura (Eds.) Diversity of cognition: Evolution, development, domestication, and pathology. Kyoto, Kyoto University Press. pp. 38-54.

足立幾磨・藤田和生 (2005). ハトにおけるヒトの「顔」と「顔以外の身体部位」のカテゴリー弁別.動物心理学研究, 55(2), 49-57. (Categorical discrimination of human faces from the other body parts in pigeons)

Saito, A., Kawamura, S., Mikami, A., Ueno, Y., Hiramatsu, C., Koida, K., Fujita, K., Kuroshima, H., & Hasegawa, T. (2005). Demonstration of genotype-phenotype correlation in polymorphic color vision of a non-callitrichine New World monkey, capuchin Cebus apella. American Journal of Primatology, 67, 471-485.

Saito, A., Mikami, A., Kawamura, S., Ueno, Y., Hiramatsu, C., Widayati, K. A., Suryobroto, B., Teramoto, M., Mori, Y., Nagano, K., Fujita, K., Kuroshima, H., & Hasegawa, T. (2005). Advantage of dichromats over trichromats in discrimination of color-camouflaged stimuli in non-human primates. American Journal of Primatology, 67, 425-436.

Anderson, J. R., Kuroshima, H., Hattori, Y., & Fujita, K. (2005). Attention to combined attention in New World monkeys (Cebus apella, Saimiri sciureus) Journal of Comparative Psychology, in press.

Fujita, K., & Giersch, A. (2005). What perceptual rules do capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) follow in completing partly occluded figures? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 31(4), in press.

藤田和生 (2005). 動物のコミュニケーション.中島平三(編)言語の事典.朝倉書店、pp.517-541.

Hattori, Y., Kuroshima, H., & Fujita, K. (2005). Cooperative problem solving by tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella): Spontaneous division of kabor, communication, and reciprocal altruism. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 119(3), 335–342.

藤田和生 (2005). 動物の錯視(3.8章).後藤倬男・田中平八(編) 錯視の科学ハンドブック.東京大学出版会. pp.284-296.

Ushitani, T. & Fujita, K. (2005). Pigeons do not perceptually complete partly occluded photos of food: An ecological approach to the “pigeon problem” Behavioural Processes, 69, 67–78.

Fujita, K., & Ushitani, T. (2005). Better living by not completing: A wonderful peculiarity of pigeon vision? Behavioural Processes, 69, 59–66.

Anderson, J. R., Kuwahata, H., Kuroshima, H., Leighty, K., & Fujita, K. (2005). Are monkeys aesthetists? Rensch (1957) revisited. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 31(1), 71–78.

藤田和生 (2004). 比較認知科学(第9章).波多野誼余夫・大津由紀雄(編)認知科学への招待. 研究社 pp.122-140.

黒島妃香・服部裕子・藤田和生 (2004). 新世界ザルにおける「こころ」の理解. 哲学研究、578、23-60.

Ushitani, T., Fujita, K., & Sato, A. (2004). Perceptual organization of motions in pigeons (Columba livia). Japanese Psychological Research, 46(3), 170-181.

Fujita, K. (2004). How do nonhuman animals perceptually integrate figural fragments? Japanese Psychological Research, 46(3), 154-169.

藤田和生 (2004). 21世紀の心理学に向けて――多様性心理学の展開――.基礎心理学研究, 22(2), 193-199.

Anderson, J. R., Kuroshima, H., Kuwahata, H., & Fujita, K. (2004). Do squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) and capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) predict that looking leads to touching? Animal Cognition, 7, 185-192.

藤田和生 (2004).知性の輝く舞台.発達, 98 (Vol.25), 104-112..

Kuwahata, H., Adachi, I., Fujita, K., Tomonaga, M., & Matsuzawa, T. (2004). Development of schematic face preference in macaque monkeys. Behavioural Processes, 66, 17-21.

Paukner, A., Anderson, J. R., & Fujita, K. (2004). Reactions of capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) to multiple mirrors. Behavioural Processes, 66 1?6.

Anderson, J. R., Awazu, S., & Fujita, K. (2004). Squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) point to smaller food arrays: Assessment of long-term retention, choice with non-preferred food and transposition. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 118(1), 58?64.

Kuroshima, H., Fujita, K., Adachi, I., Iwata, K., & Fuyuki, A. (2003). A capuchin monkey (Cebus apella) understands when people do and do not know the location of food. Animal Cognition, 6, 283-291.

Fujita, K., Kuroshima, H., & Asai, S. (2003). How do tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) understand causality involved in tool use? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 29(3), 233-242.

高橋真・藤田和生 (2003).ラット(Rattus norvegicus)における視覚刺激に対する推移的反応(Transitive Responding).動物心理学研究, 53(1), 17-22.

Kosugi, D., Ishida, H., & Fujita, K. (2003). 10-month-old infants' inference of invisible agent: distinction in causality between object motion and human action. Japanese Psychological Research, 45(1), 15-24.

橋彌和秀・小林洋美・石川悟・藤田和生・林安紀子(2003):ヒトおよびニホンザル乳児における視聴覚情報に関する「初期知識」.友永雅己・田中正之・松沢哲郎(編著)「チンパンジーの認知と行動の発達」,京都大学学術出版会, pp. 359-364.

桑畑裕子・藤田和生・石川悟・足立幾磨・友永雅己・加藤朗野・松林伸子・釜中慶朗・松沢哲郎 (2003).マカクザル乳児における顔図形の認識.友永雅己・田中正之・松沢哲郎(編著)「チンパンジーの認知と行動の発達」,京都大学学術出版会, pp. 337-342.

足立幾磨・藤田和生・桑畑裕子・石川悟 (2003).マカクザル乳児における生物的運動の知覚.友永雅己・田中正之・松沢哲郎(編著)「チンパンジーの認知と行動の発達」,京都大学学術出版会, pp. 333-336.

石川悟・藤田和生・桑畑裕子 (2003).生物学的運動の知覚.友永雅己・田中正之・松沢哲郎(編著)「チンパンジーの認知と行動の発達」,京都大学学術出版会, pp. 77-82.

桑畑裕子・石川悟・藤田和生 (2002).霊長類における社会的対象認知の発達.心理学評論, 45(3), 367-381.

藤田和生 (2002).動物ばんざい-比較認知科学のすすめ-.Kの会(編)「心理学の方法」,ナカニシヤ出版, pp. 89-107.

藤田和生 (2002).子供と動物は正直というけれど:社会的知性の進化と発達.第16回「大学と科学」公開シンポジウム講演収録集、『心の発達、ことばの発達-子どもはなにをどのように学ぶのか』,クバプロ, pp. 22-34.


Kosugi, D. & Fujita, K. (2002). How do 8-month-old infants recognize causality in object motion and that in human motion? Japanese Psychological Research, 44(2), 66-78.

藤田和生(2002).知性の起源.(霊長類の比較発達心理学69).発達, No. 90, Vol. 23, 105-112.

Kuroshima, H. Fujita, K., & Masuda, T. (2002). Understanding of the relationship between seeing and knowing by capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). Animal Cognition, 5(1), 41-48 (published online first, DOI 10.1007/s10071-001-0123-6).

Fujita, K., Kuroshima, H., & Masuda, T. (2002). Do tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) spontaneously deceive opponents? A preliminary analysis of an experimental food-competition contest between monkeys. Animal Cognition, 5(1), 19-25 (published online first, DOI 10.1007/s100710100099).

Anderson, J., R., Kuroshima, H., Kuwahata, H., Fujita, K., & Vick, S-J. (2001). Training squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) to deceive: Acquisition and analysis of behavior toward cooperative and competitive trainers. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 115(3), 282-293

Ushitani, T., Fujita, K., & Yamanaka, R. (2001). Do pigeons (Columba livia) perceive object unity? Animal Cognition, 4, 153-161 (published online first, DOI 10.1007/s100710100088).

藤田和生(2001).霊長類のコミュニケーション.乾敏郎・安西祐一郎(編),「認知科学の新展開2 コミュニケーションと思考」,岩波書店(東京), pp. 79-114(第3章)

Kosugi, D. & Fujita, K. (2001). Infants’ recognition of causality: discrimination between inanimate objects and people. Psychologia, 44, 31-45.

Fujita, K. (2001). Species recognition by macaques measured by sensory reinforcement. In Matsuzawa, T. (ed.), Primate origins of human cognition and behavior. Springer Verlag, 368-382.

Fujita, K. (2001). What you see is different from what I see: Species differences in visual perception. In Matsuzawa, T. (ed.), Primate origins of human cognition and behavior. Springer Verlag, 29-54.

Fujita, K. (2001). Perceptual completion in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and pigeons (Columba livia). Perception & Psycholphysics,63(1), 115-125.

Fujita, K. (2000). Reconnaissance de l’espece et ses implications sur l’isolation reproductive chez le macaque. Primatologie, 3, 115-125.

藤田和生 (2000).霊長類における形の認識.学術月報, 53(10), 1074-1081.

Awazu, S., & Fujita, K. (2000). Influence of dominance on food transmission in rats. Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology, 50 (1), 119-123.

Anderson, J. R., Awazu, S., & Fujita, K. (2000). Can squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) learn self-control? A study using food array selection tests and reverse reward contingency. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes,26 (1), 87-97.

藤田和生 (1999).動物のあいさつ行動.國文學, 44(6) (5月号), 34-41.

藤田和生(1998).比較認知研究から見た擬人主義.動物心理学研究, 48(2), 209-215.

粟津俊二・藤田和生 (1998).社会的関係がラットの食物伝達に与える影響.動物心理学研究, 48(2), 183-190.

Ueno, Y., & Fujita, K. (1998). Spontaneous tool use by a tonkean macaque (Macaca tonkeana). Folia Primatologica, 69, 318-324.

Silberberg, A., Widholm, J., Bresler, D., Fujita, K., & Anderson, J. R. (1998). Natural choice in non-human primates. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 24, 215-228.

Sato, A., Kanazawa, S., & Fujita, K. (1997). Perception of object unity in a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). Japanese Psychological Research, 39(3), 191-199.

Fujita, K., Watanabe, K., Widarto, T. H., & Suryobroto, B. (1997). Discrimination of macaques by macaques: the case of Sulawesi species. Primates, 38(3), 233-245.

Fujita, K. (1997). Perception of the Ponzo illusion by rhesus monkeys, chimpanzees, and humans: Similarity and difference in the three primate species. Perception & Psychophysics, 59(2), 284-292.

Fujita, K. (1996). Linear perspective and the Ponzo illusion: a comparison between rhesus monkeys and humans. Japanese Psychological Research, 38(3), 136-145.

Fujita, K. & Watanabe, K. (1995). Visual preference for closely related species by Sulawesi macaques. American Journal of Primatology, 37, 253-261.

Fujita, K. (1993). Development of visual preference for closely related species by infant and juvenile macaques with restricted social experience. Primates, 34(2), 141-150.

Fujita, K. (1993). Role of some physical characteristics in species recognition by pigtail monkeys. Primates, 34(2), 133-140.

Fujita, K., Blough, D. S., & Blough, P. M. (1993). Effects of the inclination of context lines on perception of the Ponzo illusion by pigeons. Animal Learning & Behavior, 21(1), 29-34.

Fujita, K., Blough, D. S., & Blough, P. M. (1991). Pigeons see the Ponzo illusion. Animal Learning & Behavior, 19(3), 283-293.

Fujita, K. & Matsuzawa, T. (1990). Delayed figure reconstruction by a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and humans (Homo sapiens). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 104(4), 345-351.

Fujita, K. (1990). Species preference by infant macaques with controlled social experience. International Journal of Primatology, 11(6), 553-573.



Fujita, K. (1987). Species recognition by five macaque monkeys. Primates, 28(3), 353-366.

Fujita, K. & Matsuzawa, T. (1986). A new procedure to study the perceptual world of animals with sensory reinforcement: Recognition of humans by a chimpanzee. Primates, 27(3), 283-291.

Fujita, K. (1985). Effects of ratio reinforcement schedules on discrimination performance by Japanese monkeys. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 43(2), 225-234.

Fujita, K. (1983). Formation of the sameness-difference concept by Japanese monkeys from a small number of color stimuli. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 40(3), 289-300.

Fujita, K. (1983). Acquisition and transfer of a higher-order conditional discrimination performance in the Japanese monkey. Japanese Psychological Research, 25(1), 1-8.

Fujita, K. (1982). An analysis of stimulus control in two-color matching-to-sample behaviors of Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata fuscata). Japanese Psychological Research, 24(3), 124-135.